Text Box: Piecing together your records management and training solutions



DMC Management
Storage Analysis
Employment Services


Storage Analysis


Planning a relocation, why not take the opportunity to investigate options to optimize your investment by reducing storage space requirements. 

DMC has helped a number of Organisations reduce their dependence on both archaic filing cabinets, and the need to store paper records in excessive volumes.  We work with architects and interior designers with regards to layout and design storage systems that are both aesthetically pleasing and practical, catering for the Organisations recordkeeping needs in both the short and long term. We understand that leases can range from 5 years to 25 years, and therefore develop systems to enable Clients to maximize their rental dollar. We also introduce recordkeeping techniques, philosophies and systems to minimize the need to employ large storage systems.

Techniques employed include: -

bullet Standardising classification systems to ensure corporate accessibility reducing the need to duplicate
bullet Employing new or utilizing existing software systems to enable greater dependence on electronic recordkeeping
bullet Developing and deploying disposal schedules to reduce the overall holdings of information in both a timely and efficient manner without compromising the individual organizational regulatory responsibilities with regards to record retention.
bullet Providing advice and assistance with the identification of current and on-going business information to minimize the volumes of records being relocated.

Each analysis is supported by practical recommendations and training prior to implementation.

We also work with relocation companies and assist with the identification of obsolete and time expired records ensuring these are either transferred to a secondary facility or destroyed prior to relocation

All systems employed comply with AS/ISO 15489, The Recordkeeping Standard.

For further information contact us at : rkaczynski@documentmanagementconsult.com







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